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Volpaia Vinsanto 2018

Item available

Castello di Volpaia

Year: 2017

A record year for heat and drought throughout the growing season. This condition presented extremes which began early bud break in the vineyard followed by a spring frost over late April. The frost effected the lower portions of the Volpaia estate. Spring and summer months were dry with higher than average temperatures. Rainfall in mid-September helped the grapes achieve complete ripeness of tannins and other phenolic compounds despite low yields.

James Suckling 94 points
This has a nutty character with notes of walnuts, toasted almonds, dried apricots and figs as well as some bread crust and honeysuckle. Full-bodied with a dried fruit character. Vivid acidity balances the sweetness and brings a freshness to it. Polished and chalky with a clean and delicate finish. Drink now.
wine critics 92 points
Aperto e diretto mostra note di fiori rossi pressati, elicriso, finocchietto selvatico, buccia di mandarino, succo di lime e tabacco sbriciolato. Corpo medio, elegante e disteso nel sorso chiude agile e dinamico. Dolcezza ben integrata. Bevi ora.
Falstaff 91 points
Wine Spectator 90 points
This moderately sweet white starts out soft and lush, firming up by the lingering finish. Delivers apricot, caramel and a hint of molasses. Trebbiano and Malvasia. Drink now through 2028. 250 cases imported. — BS
Luca Maroni 90 points
Ernesto Gentili 85 points
dolce, caramellato, un po’ appiccicoso, con note di castagne e miele e finale che sovrappone dolcezza su dolcezza.
Like the best passito wines, the Vinsanto di Volpaia mantains its balance for weeks after the bottle is opened.
Orientation of the vineyard
Orientation: Southeast
Altitude: 2,050-2,106 FASL
Size of the vines
Area: n/d
Density: n/d
Vines and occupied area
Trebbiano and Malvasia
Type of attachment of the vine
Vineyard's attaching: Guyot
Soil type by vine
Ground: Sandstone
History of wine

The wine of the Mass.
There are many theories around the origin of the name of this wine but most likely the name comes from the use of this wine during the Mass. In February the dried grapes of Trebbiano and Malvasia are softly pressed. The must is then slowly fermented with indigenous yeats for 5 years to produce Volpaia's Vinsanto. The drying of the grapes and the wine aging happen in the Vinsantaia, an attic, where the extreme temperature excurtions help the slow evolution of the Vinsanto.

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